

Please read the following instructions then use the links at the end of this page to register.

If you have any issues with your registration, please email

Volunteer Opt-Out Levy for Season 2024-25
All community sporting clubs rely on the efforts (and income) generated from volunteers. The Adelaide Baseball Club Board also has a responsibility to ensure our Club continues to be both competitive and financially viable.

While our club has an amazing Board and volunteer Angels Army, we are aware the volunteer landscape across all sporting clubs has changed. Previously, all members were required to pitch in behind the club bar and/or canteen. We know however that our members and their families now have less time available. Our club has also grown in size requiring more volunteer assistance than ever before. We have heard from our members that most people still want to have a way to contribute to the club they love, and also would like to reduce the burden placed on other (more regular) volunteers.

As a result, this season we have re-considered volunteer involvement and, like many other community sporting clubs in Australia, we are introducing a new Volunteer Opt-Out Levy.

At the end of your full season registration form, you will be asked the question: Will you be volunteering for the Club this season, or paying the volunteer opt-out levy?

You will then need to select from the following options:
(1) I/We will volunteer to do our allocated hours
(2) Volunteer Opt-out Levy - INDIVIDUAL ($150)
(3) Volunteer Opt-out Levy – JUNIOR ($100)
(4) Volunteer Opt-out Levy – JUNIOR FAMILY ($150)
(5) Already paid JUNIOR FAMILY on another registration
(6) Volunteer Levy Exemption

OPTION 1 - Your allocated hours will be made up of a shift (or shifts) at the bar, canteen register, Bunnings BBQ or at any other event as designated by the Board. The number of hours required will be determined by the responses received from all members, however we estimate this will be at least one x four hour shift.  For bar shifts you must have a valid Responsible Service of Alcohol.
OPTION 2 Individual Levy - select this per Senior Player. Do not use this if you are part of a Junior Family (see below).
OPTION 3 Junior Levy - select this for an individual Junior player where the parent (or parents) do not play, and there are no other junior players in the family.
OPTION 4 Junior Family - select this if there is more than one junior player in the family and/or where the parent(s) are also players.
OPTION 5 Already Paid Junior Family - select this if you have already paid the Junior Family levy on another member's registration.
OPTION 6 Exemption  - use this if you are (or you are in a family with) a junior or senior coach, a regular rostered umpire, a Board member, a regular scorer, a playing Life Member. Also for any Social Club members.

The maximum levy per family where the parents are also players is $150.00. Where the parent is not a player, the maximum levy is $100.
3 game pass registrations will not be asked the volunteer levy question.

The aim of our new program is to make it easier to engage Angels volunteers, as well as to ensure the ongoing financial success of our club.
We appreciate this may affect some people more than others, and we understand that not everyone is able to volunteer their time.
Please contact if you wish to discuss your situation.


Did you pay the $20 early bird junior registration?
If you have not received a discount code to apply to your fees, please email to be sent a code.

Sports Voucher Scheme
If you wish to use a Sports Voucher for your junior, please forward your completed Sports Voucher to the Club Secretary ( and they will provide you with a discount code that can be used on registration. NOTE: To receive the discount code you must provide us with a fully completed voucher and you must not have previously already used the voucher this year.  Use this link to access your Sports Voucher:

Family Members Discount
REGISTERING TWO OR MORE FAMILY MEMBERS TO PLAY? You are entitled to a $30.00 discount off one registration. Email the Club Secretary ( who will provide you with a discount code.

Need to claim one or more of the above discounts?
More than one discount can be claimed on a single registration but as you only have room to add one promo code can be used, please let us know all discounts that you wish to claim when you email .

Payment Plans and Financial Hardship
If you are suffering financial hardship or wish to discuss payment plan options please contact the Club Secretary  (

Baseball SA Early Bird Discount
Baseball SA offer a discounted rate if you pay your fees before 31st August. NO PROMO CODE IS REQUIRED FOR THIS - it is built into their pricing.



Social Club Members
Select VOLUNTEER on the first page.
When you get the question on Playing Club Fees, select "Not Playing - Social Club".

On the payment screen, the Social Club fee will then be pre-selected. Then press Confirm Selection to continue.

Senior Divisions (1-8)
For Senior Division players, when you get the question on Playing Club Fees, select your correct category. In this example, we are selecting Division 3.

When you get to the payment screen please note that there should be THREE components to your registration (plus volunteer levy if applicable).
Your Baseball Australia, Baseball South Australia and Club fee will all be pre-selected. Press Confirm Selection to continue.
Any promo codes to be applied can then be entered in the Promo Code field. Then press Apply.
If you do not have a promo code, just press Proceed to Payment to continue.

Women's Divisions (1-4)
For players, when you get to the payment screen please note that there should be THREE components to your registration (plus volunteer levy if applicable).
Your Baseball Australia, Baseball South Australia and Club fee will all be pre-selected. Press Confirm Selection to continue.
Any promo codes to be applied can then be entered in the Promo Code field. Then press Apply.
If you do not have a promo code, just press Proceed to Payment to continue.

Junior Divisions

For players, when you get to the payment screen please note that there should be THREE components to your registration (plus volunteer levy if applicable).

Your Baseball Australia, Baseball South Australia and Club fee will all be pre-selected. The new system automatically calculates the correct league age and division for your junior. (Permits to play down a division are done in a separate process). Press Confirm Selection to continue.

Any promo codes to be applied can then be entered in the Promo Code field. Then press Apply.

If you do not have a promo code, just press Proceed to Payment to continue.


As part of the terms of registration, full payment of the Baseball Australia, Baseball SA Capitation Fee and Adelaide Baseball Club Fees must be paid at the point of registration.

Option 1 - Click here for T-BALL registration



Option 2 - Click here for FULL SEASON registration


**SOCIAL CLUB MEMBERS - Please select VOLUNTEER as your category**


Option 3 - Click here for 3 GAME PASS REGISTRATION






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