Age Group Rules

For complete rules, refer to Baseball South Australia's Policies, Rules & Procedures page.

These condensed versions are to provide an overview of the particular age groups rules and regulations, particularly distances, bat and ball reguations, innings, and player requirements or limitations. As these files are to provide a brief overview, it is suggested that the complete rule book is read and understood by players, parents, and volunteers, so to avoid league sanctions, bans, fines, or ejections, to name a small sample of potential outcomes.

Condensed Rules - Junior League (U15) Condensed Rules - Senior League (U17) Condensed Rules - Big League (U19)
Condensed Rules - Mini League (U10) Condensed Rules - Minor League (U11) Condensed Rules - Little League (U13)
Condensed Rules   -   Pee Wee   (U9)


2022/23 Baseball SA Age Matrix

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